Friday, June 19, 2009

I have goals i want 2 accomplish

have you ever felt like your goals were so far away and didn't think you were gonna reach them. we'll that is how i feel at the current moment i just feel like giving it all away. i have tried so hard and nothing seems to work, in my favor. i feel so deppressed right now. i am really struggling hard. just keep in your prayers right now because i believe that is what is gonna help me through my storm right now. GOD BLESS,

1 comment:

  1. My mother-in-law used to tell me that nothing bad ever happens which isn't followed by something good. Sometimes we just have to wait through the bad times for that something good which will, I'm sure, follow. I also believe that it's important to relax and allow ourselves to be open to the many paths to our goal. Sometimes we focus, so intently, on one way to get what we want that we fail to see all the other ways to get there.

    I know I've probably said this to you before ... but I truly believe that what we need will come to us at the right time. We just have to believe it. So ... relax, enjoy the weekend, and know, with certainty, that what you need will come to you!

    I'm sending you positive energy! :)

    Small Footprints
