Friday, June 12, 2009

signed up for a blog job!!!!!!

well today i signed up for a job as a blogger i pray that i get the job . because i have no experience and i feel this will help me improve. because i love to write and i do a lot of free spirit writing. so i pray that i will succeed. and by me improving my writing skills here and just keep writing everyday i will get better. also it will be a month for me since i have gone full vegan these past couple of weeks have truly made me see what veganism is all about, i mean i have just been getting sick so much lately i can't even stand it. and i believe that was a sign for me to stop eating meat completeley and i have since then i don't even look at me the same anymore. and my body feels a whole lot better even looks better. and being a vegan is a better lifestyle in itself. because just think about how many animals lives you are saving by not eating meat we need to get the word out. being a VEGAN ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS,

1 comment:

  1. Oh ... I hope you get the job! :) And congratulations on choosing a vegan lifestyle ... I think you're going to love it ... we do! We became vegan about 6 years ago after watching a program on the health issues associated with animal products. It was astounding! So we went vegan, cold turkey. I went through my kitchen and gave away anything with animal products in it. It was liberating. Since then, we have found that we have so much more energy and feel great. And, we have never missed meat.

    Meatless meals are also great for the planet ... so not only are you doing something good for yourself and animals ... you're saving mother earth, as well. Here's a post I did on the subject:

    I post a vegan recipe once a month ... the first Friday of each month. On my blog, if you do a search for "vegan recipe" you'll see all that I have posted so far. Also, in the sidebar, under the "Green/Vegan Sites", you'll find some wonderful vegan recipe blogs. If you're interested in other good resources, just drop me a line at and I'll send you some sites that have helped me.

    Thanks for following Reduce Footprints ... I'm following you, as well.

    Best Wishes!

    Small Footprints
