Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today i was CHEATED!!!!

well yesterday i spent all day researching about design schools, and today i started typing my paper because it was not due until the end of today but i thought that i would get a head start and turn it in early. but for some reason it said that my time had expired and that i had to log back in again. i was so heated all that hard work for nothing just to have it dissapear and you could not save your work eaither. what kind of site is that were you can not save your work to retrieve it later. and so i tried to report what happen i could not even do that. i felt cheated today because everything that i spent the night before working on is all gone now. but it is alright i know that i will find something better, really soon. continue to support me and i will do the same for you as well. if you know of any blogging jobs online that pay well and you don't have to start with a fee, please feel free to let me know. thanks GOD BLESS,

1 comment:

  1. I just hate sites like that ... and I don't understand them. I pay all of our bills online (it's a green thing). Some of the bill sites are like that ... they time out ... and they don't seem to give one enough time to enter the most basic information. Seems counterproductive! Well ... you have a great attitude and I'm sure that the right job will find you! Hang in there!

    Small Footprints
